

2,391 Employee Ratings
2,391 Ratings
83% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Top 20% of Companies
2,391 Employee Ratings
83% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Current Employee
Jul 24, 2024
HubSpot positions itself as a great place to work with amazing attainment. None of this is true. Yes you get some nice benefits, and you get to work from home, but there is no structure, everyone tells you different things to succeed, and it all comes down to your accounts. Product is the most expensive solution being considered by most prospects. Havent had a quality lead come in 2 months. Absolutely brutal. You do get a nice long ramp which is great and you can do okay here, but don't stop interviewing, people are getting PIPed out before leaving ramp. Full Quota reps have like 20% hit rate each month, Leadership still hits their number or at least gets close so they don't see the issue. Absolutely terrible mis-management over the past 3-5 years that is driving top people out the door. Your Job is always at risk, wither from PIP or "Comeback Club" this was so bad they had to turn off Auto Pip for a Q2 as almost all reps would have been on it.
3 Useful
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