Current Employee3.0Dec 11, 2023Contant changes, accounts and deals are taken away with little warning and not quota adjustment.
Current Employee2.6Oct 3, 2023Inexperienced and uncaring lower level BizDev managers. Great product fit. Overworked and leadership hates the sales teams.
Inexperienced and uncaring lower level BizDev managers. Great product fit. Overworked and leadership hates the sales teams.
Current Employee1.9Feb 9, 2024I do well because of my experience. First line management is lacking on every level. My manager (a woman) was gas lighting me and trying to make me fail because she was threatened by me. Highly tenured reps are the only ones who succeed. The CEO does not think salespeople are necessary to sell the products. This is widely acknowledged within the company and on Wall...Read More
I do well because of my experience. First line management is lacking on every level. My manager (a woman) was gas lighting me and trying to make me fail because she was threatened by me. Highly tenured reps are the only ones who succeed. The CEO does not think salespeople are necessary to sell the products. This is widely acknowledged within the company and on Wall...Read More
Current Employee3.1Aug 14, 2023Currently going through a lot of transformations. Leadership is changing frequently. GTM is not good. There is a too generous free tier for customers, usually that itself is a competition. Solid products on App Sec. Zero trust products are getting stabilised. Annual appraisal is just a name sake, usually 2% increments.
Currently going through a lot of transformations. Leadership is changing frequently. GTM is not good. There is a too generous free tier for customers, usually that itself is a competition. Solid products on App Sec. Zero trust products are getting stabilised. Annual appraisal is just a name sake, usually 2% increments.