RepVue Score
Back to ReviewsCurrent Employee The biggest issue in 2023 is churn. They are making sales reps responsible for churn/contraction dollar for dollar, even if YOU DIDN'T SELL THAT DEAL. We have countless big hitters who have left to other companies due to this. Take care of your reps. Everyone is looking for other jobs because of this. Say you work hard to hit 350k in a quarter but you happened to inherit an account worth 150k and they decided to leave for a competitor or REDUCE THEIR SEAT COUNT BECAUSE OF THE ECONOMY (COMPLETELY OUT OF YOUR CONTROL). You had infinite attempts to get into the account to build a relationship (again you didn't sell it, and CSMs dont exist until a high $$ threshhold).....crickets. Until they want to churn or contract. That's not only a CLAWBACK of your commission but also hits your quota number. Most likely not leadership's number though...LOL. Browse Other Reviews
Oct 16, 2023
5 Useful