Iron Mountain

Iron Mountain

79 Employee Ratings
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85% Verified
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Iron Mountain
Iron Mountain
79 Employee Ratings
85% Verified
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Former Employee
Sep 26, 2024
My experience at IRM was great for the first 4 years but the the last two years changed drastically for everyone in a Support Role with their base compensation but mainly quarterly bonus structure changes. Other than that, I made great money with IRM selling million dollar opportunities. I loved all the people I worked with. Everyone truly wants to help and see you succeed. I had the best Director and VP. They made me do so much better! I’d recommend IRM to anyone and I still do but just do your due diligence. Reach out to others on LinkedIn with the same role to see if you can ask them questions etc. The only really negative I can say is HR doesn’t care about you if you try to talk with them about a situation. They are only there to protect the company. They do a good job pretending to take notes, tell you they will get with your mgr, and then get back to you for a resolution but again, they side with your manager. This comment comes from numerous people, not just my opinion.
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