

2,382 Employee Ratings
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2,382 Employee Ratings
84% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Former Employee
Aug 10, 2023
I think HubSpot is a great company and I really enjoyed my time there, but they had a monthly quota for their Corporate (Enterprise) sales team which makes no sense when the average sales cycle for that team is 3-5 months. It started to get really bad when the economy plunged this year and one bad month would put you on a PIP that kept extending month after month until they finally PIP'ed you out. Instead of more layoffs, they are aggressively PIPing people to reduce the workforce - even at the VP level. They are historically a company focused on SMB and mid-market and have only started on focusing upmarket in the last few years or so, so the comp plan hasn't evolved yet to match. They recognize they need to move to at least quarterly if not annual, but they just haven't done it and in the meantime, it's making them lose a lot of talent bc monthly quota is almost impossible with an Enterprise sale. Thats why its not a thing at most places.
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