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Former Employee My overall experience was disappointing. The company’s ELT is completely disjointed from reality and what’s taking place on the ground. Their most recent decision to roll out a new comp plan for the sales org in March, after the start of the new FY in January, and after quotas were set was purely out of greed. The new plan not only heavily dilutes your comp, but it pays accelerators at year-end in the form of a bonus, and, get ready for this … requires your quota to be 15X your OTE to even QUALIFY for accelerators. It doesn’t end there. The company doesn’t offer annual payments for Multi-year deals, but, if you do sell a multi-year deal (which is 75% of Enterprise deals), the respective comp you’ve earned for years 2,3,4,5 of the deal are paid to you IN THOSE YEARS, meaning you have to still be with the company to collect your commission. The sales org at the RVP level and up is a joke, especially in Enterprise. The strategy is completely predicated on luck. Less than 25% of reps are hitting quota. You will starve until something big hits. Good luck. Browse Other Reviews
May 4, 2024
4 Useful