Former Employee3.3Nov 25, 2024Overall experience positive, but a lot of changes over the last 2 years that have made things harder for AEs across all segments
Overall experience positive, but a lot of changes over the last 2 years that have made things harder for AEs across all segments
Current Employee2.0Jan 30, 2024High school environment with extremely poor senior leadership, that does not have the skills or experience to actually lead and manage. Use popularity and fear to make decisions and motivate.
High school environment with extremely poor senior leadership, that does not have the skills or experience to actually lead and manage. Use popularity and fear to make decisions and motivate.
Current Employee4.7Jul 17, 2023This is a truly well-run organization that cares about the development and happiness of its employees. I have learned more in 1 year working at Sprout than any other year of my career.
This is a truly well-run organization that cares about the development and happiness of its employees. I have learned more in 1 year working at Sprout than any other year of my career.