Sprout Social

Sprout Social

661 Employee Ratings
661 Ratings
89% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Sprout Social
Sprout Social
661 Employee Ratings
89% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Former Employee
Oct 4, 2023
The macroeconomic turbulence happening with technology companies has brought challenges to Sprout that the company had never faced. Sprout has traditionally been unique because of the incredible inbound funnel for sales teams. Inbound has dried up and all teams are expected to outbound, which is normal across the market. However, there's lots of ambiguity, a lack of team and individual coaching, and unfortunately, if you have a bad book of business and a lack of opportunity within the territory, or underperforming BDR it's extremely hard to keep up. There's extreme pressure to hit metrics and monthly quotas, and 1 bad quarter will put you on a performance plan, with no remorse or consideration of previous success. Unfortunately, managers are not experienced in cold calling, and sales teams' morale is extremely low. Sprout sales teams' compensation is relatively low and since most are not hitting quota anymore, the base compensation is not as competitive either.
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