Responsive fka RFPIO

Responsive fka RFPIO

78 Employee Ratings
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Responsive fka RFPIO
Responsive fka RFPIO
78 Employee Ratings
94% Verified
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Current Employee
Aug 28, 2024
It's clear that the company is going through something right now, though that isn't unusual at this point for a company our size in a nice-to-have market segment. I do expect we'll ride it out and find our spark again soon. There is an issue at the top though. The C-Suite seems to have become partially detached from reality, and is attempting to solve this industry-wide issue of low win rates through the utilization of a spaghetti-at-wall strategy. Reps are increasingly spending their time working on internal "training" and the never-ending paperwork that comes with people outside of sales justifying their existence. That has cost us a lot of time and energy, and doesn't show signs of abating yet. Responsive was a great company, and in fact it's still a very good company which genuinely blows its competitors away. We're just saddled with leadership that is seeing its every ploy fail in this new environment, and is increasingly starting to panic. That panic is filtering down and can only be solved through them reorienting ASAP, or being replaced. Doing neither is not an option if we hope to take advantage of the lead we still, tenuously, maintain.
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