Lightspeed HQ

Lightspeed HQ

155 Employee Ratings
155 Ratings
85% Verified
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Lightspeed HQ
Lightspeed HQ
155 Employee Ratings
85% Verified
Unclaimed Profile
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Current Employee
Oct 23, 2024
Having worked at Lightspeed for four years I can say that you could do a lot better for your next sales role. There is no vision from upper management in terms of strategy or product and yet they berate and press the sales team to perform. The product is inferior, the pricing is unrealistic but worst of all the marketing department is unable to effectively market to their ICP. There is little to no professional development and it is an absolute grind to hit target every month. Sales should be hard but it should the fun kind of hard and not the "I want to quit every day" kind of hard.
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