

2,383 Employee Ratings
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2,383 Employee Ratings
84% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Current Employee
Jul 27, 2024
Very difficult to hit full quota. Month to month performance-based, meaning that you can have a 212% attainment in June followed by a 50% attainment in July and you're on the chopping block. Great product, but the CRM space is highly competitive and HubSpot is at a massive disadvantage price-wise with small businesses. Average deal size is $300 but your monthly quota will be $6700. There's huge deals put there for sure, but not a lot The "best reps" being groomed for future leadership positions literally stole a massive volume of inbound leads at the beginning of the year to the present. No consequences for those reps except for a "future warning" while the other 245 reps that make the small business segment had no inbound activity and was getting PIP'ed like crazy. If you're in with management, you're golden. Also, HubSpot changes the sales roe on a whim, so if you run a perfectly sanctioned play to drum up sales, the executive leadership team can nullify that and you'll have to make up the quota with only days left in the month.
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