

2,400 Employee Ratings
2,400 Ratings
84% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Top 20% of Companies
2,400 Employee Ratings
84% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Former Employee
Mar 27, 2024
Was undergoing a painful transition from a sales org stocked with 4-8 year veterans who never had to make a cold call during their entire tenure and were now senior AEs and middle managers in an economic downturn. They will eventually make the shift from inbound-focused lead gen to outbound, but until then the old guard based in Boston will ensure that their tenured US reps are always taken care of first. They will get the best territory carves and deal support. I watched multiple Canadian reps fired or forced out, while the US reps sat on auto-PIPs for months without any action or improvement. The mantra passed around was that we had to maintain a "figure-it-out factor," which translates to "don't bother your manager or the tenured reps with your questions just dig through the unmaintained, disorganized corporate wiki while you probably should be focusing on actual sales activites." On top of this, we had zero engineer/product support and had to build our own demos from scratch, so good luck with that if the prospect wants anything more complex than basic CRM (and you'll need to sell Enterprise if you have any hope of hitting quota).
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