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Back to ReviewsCurrent Employee Changes in how churn is dealt with, quotas, compensation, it's become a complete mess at HubSpot.
Churn : if you sell a 12 month contract for f.e. 3k/month and the client stops paying or cancels after 11 month, you still get both churn on attainment for the year and on your paycheck (you pay back commissions). So you get nothing, it's really difficult to hit your number and so the stress and effort put in doesn't come close to aligning with compensation anymore.
Churn is pretty common especially in small business because companies are cowboys and can just disappear. Attainment across the board since this has been implemented has plummeted (it already was going not so well, but this accelerated things) and people burn out, are stressed and gossiping between each other around how bad it has become (always a bad sign). Browse Other Reviews
Sep 24, 2024
11 Useful