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Top 10% of CompaniesGong.io
Back to ReviewsFormer Employee My overall experience was generally positive here. I don't think it's as rosy as what you see on LinkedIn, because let's be honest we all know someone at Gong that posts on LinkedIn every other day about how Gong has "changed their life..."
I was there pre-and post-pandemic, so my guess is things may have changed. Here's what I liked and didn't like:
- Engaged C-suite and incredibly talented product team
- Some great sales leaders and amazing sellers to learn from.
- The CSM and AM teams were the best I've ever worked with.
- Fantastic SDR team, albeit don't expect a ton of inbounds
- Great enablement team as well and marketing is top notch
The only thing I'd say is that I felt some sales leaders were quite abrasive. If you don't sell like them, despite overperforming, you're not in their "club" -- I saw several good people get let go because they missed 1 quarter, despite hitting several before. Gong using Gong can get a bit micro-manage-y, as in here's the 26 things you did wrong in this call. Way different competitive market now, but still the market leader. Browse Other Reviews
Dec 6, 2024
1 Useful