

2,708 Employee Ratings
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2,708 Employee Ratings
86% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Former Employee
Jun 26, 2023
I enjoyed my time at Gartner. The product is very cool and it can truly help organizations. Often times, as long as you did proper discovery, the product sold itself as the decision makers knew that they needed support and believed that Gartner could provide it. I excelled at my job, I was in charge of the inbound practice for Legal, audit and compliance in all of NA and helped to grow YOY revenue by 500%. I was promoted very quickly to Sr (officially 14 months after starting). However, I quickly realized there were no clear paths for growth from there. Although I was the #1 performer 3 quarters in a row and earned awards of Above & Beyond for 2 of them, I only received attention from one of many VP's I reached out to for growth opportunities in BD or AE positions. This was because I came from inbound and my position was regarded as an entry-level sales position. The opportunities available for growth from this position are to sell to the mid-size market. Unfortunately I believe that having connections was ultimately the biggest factor in getting opportunities, more than the desire for growth and results provided.
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