Dell Technologies

Dell Technologies

1,609 Employee Ratings
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Dell Technologies
Dell Technologies
1,609 Employee Ratings
80% Verified
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Former Employee
Sep 17, 2024
I worked at Dell for 20 years and overall had a great experience. The company has a fast-faced environment, an aggressive stance on growth and a permanent chip on its shoulder, and as long as you understand the culture you can thrive in it. In recent years DT has decided that tenure and experience are over-valued and is focusing on laying off more tenured sellers and replacing them with graduates of their NGSA program. Time will tell if this was the right strategy, but the company is committed to it. Decision-making is fast and tops-down, and heavily based on data analytics and insights. Dell's customer and sales data is amazing. Compensation is strong and there is an occasional opportunity to blow out commissions. Corporate reorganizations are a regular part of life at Dell. International opportunities are very limited and if you are within a certain distance of a Dell campus you are expected to be there 3 days a week, no excuses. Remote employees do not have opportunities for promotions unless they are executives.
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