

760 Employee Ratings
760 Ratings
89% Verified
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760 Employee Ratings
89% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Current Employee
Nov 6, 2024
Overall experience at Cloudflare is 50/50. At first Cloudflare seemed like an amazing company to work for and I was super motivated and excited to be there. However, after some time there I realised that the Finance team and the people sitting at the top have no idea what the BDR function is doing and how their decisions can affect us. Constantly increasing our targets EVERY single quarter, some teams more than others with their markets being super oversaturated with our solution. Targets always released super late more than half way through the quarter. Budgets being tightened QonQ, incentives being removed and BDRs forced to cancel their trips and booked hotels for events which generate the majority of their target completion. To make it all worse, BDRs are stopped and requested not to overachieve by more than 5-10% because if it is more, targets will be increased even more which will affect the whole team and nobody wants to be the bad guy right? Ultimately, for the past 1.5 years the company has been doing its absolute best to cut pay to its employees and pay as little bonus and OTE earnings as possible.
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