Current Employee2.1Dec 1, 2023Adobe constantly changes things to make it hard for sellers to hit their numbers (ON PURPOSE!). I would be VERY careful if joining. It 100000% depends on the specific team, product, leadership, etc. of the team you are joining. be WEARY. I was lied to about a bunch of things during the interview process. Ask for PROOF, and I would also find people that recently left...Read More
Adobe constantly changes things to make it hard for sellers to hit their numbers (ON PURPOSE!). I would be VERY careful if joining. It 100000% depends on the specific team, product, leadership, etc. of the team you are joining. be WEARY. I was lied to about a bunch of things during the interview process. Ask for PROOF, and I would also find people that recently left...Read More
Current Employee3.1Aug 29, 2023Mixed as the culture changed quite significantly over time, and it wasn't all positive