RepVue Score
Back to ReviewsCurrent Employee My overall experience was a whirlwind at Verkada. I believe it's one of the best sales organizations to join straight out of college or early in your technology sales career. The problem with Verkada is they aren't very fair when it comes to territories and segmenting you between SLED vs. Corporate accounts. Verkada technology is purpose built for SLED, and it's closed protocol technology is not a fit for Enterprise organizations. Therefore, if you are a SLED rep then consider yourself lucky. If you're a corporate rep....then pray you get a territory with a major city. Verkada is a cut throat place though. If you don't perform as a rep, they will fire you. They hide a lot of bad habits in their sales management (first line managers) who never get any blame for rep performance. I actually did well at this company, but I wouldn't go back to working at Verkada. Browse Other Reviews
Apr 30, 2024
1 Useful