Former Employee2.1Mar 7, 2024Poor. They chose to stay in Saskatoon, which killed their talent acquisition and the company has suffered.
Poor. They chose to stay in Saskatoon, which killed their talent acquisition and the company has suffered.
Current Employee3.7Oct 16, 2023Working at Vendasta has strengthened my ability as a sales rep & digital marketing expert within the Saas Space. The culture is fun, the CEO makes an effort to get to know all of the employees - and the product does well for the right consumers.
Working at Vendasta has strengthened my ability as a sales rep & digital marketing expert within the Saas Space. The culture is fun, the CEO makes an effort to get to know all of the employees - and the product does well for the right consumers.
Former Employee1.0Aug 23, 2023The company use to be good but has struggled over the years to be profitable. Because of this there have been numerous commission slashes and pay structure changes. The product is weak, clunky and unreliable. Lots of empty promises and continuous lying from all levels of management.
The company use to be good but has struggled over the years to be profitable. Because of this there have been numerous commission slashes and pay structure changes. The product is weak, clunky and unreliable. Lots of empty promises and continuous lying from all levels of management.