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Top 10% of CompaniesToast
Back to ReviewsCurrent Employee Toast is a great fit for the industry, and they offer a solid starting bootcamp. In my opinion the reason most people hit their goals is that if you fail to meet your goal in any given month, you’ll be placed on a Performance Improvement Plan. While you’re given an opportunity to get off the PIP, it often feels like you’re set up to fail once you’re on it.
Some people are assigned better AE’s than others, which allows them to hit their goals with ease, while others struggle month after month, no matter what they do. You get unlimited PTO, but you’re still expected to hit your full goal.
I’ve been an SDR at other companies where hitting goals is just as challenging, and they also have a ‘work hard, play hard’ mindset. However, Toast takes it to another level. In the over a year I’ve been here as an SDR, I’ve taken fewer than 10 days off. Browse Other Reviews
Dec 22, 2024