Mulesoft (Salesforce)

Mulesoft (Salesforce)

936 Employee Ratings
936 Ratings
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Mulesoft (Salesforce)
Mulesoft (Salesforce)
936 Employee Ratings
80% Verified
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Current Employee
Oct 25, 2023
Main platform product is competitive in the market, but seen as the most expensive against competitors. MuleSoft sometimes feels like a lesser product when compared to other Salesforce clouds - and core reps are quick to cut out MuleSoft in deals for newer products. Restricting market conditions have driven average ACV down between $100-$150K. Leadership is all about sales high velocity and focused on reducing average sales cycles and lowering price point to compete. Like all sales positions, your success is largely dependent on your patch - those that are earning a lot of $$$ have great customers/prospects. Inbound leads are few and far in-between since the BDR org was significantly downsized this year. You have to prospect on your own to be successful. They have recently rolled out more "training" and "sales excellence" programs to help AEs sell. Don't find them to be particularly useful in the field.
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