

1,519 Employee Ratings
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1,519 Employee Ratings
83% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Current Employee
Aug 11, 2023
LinkedIn went through a transformation in late 2022 and now into 2023. COVID hit in 2020, quotas were adjusted way down, and the entire sales team crushed once companies came out of COVID lockdowns. I don't know anyone who missed their number. 2021 - quotas were adjusted up, slightly, and everyone hit again (when only 50% are meant to hit). If you weren't making $300k+, you were probably asleep. In 2022, quotas were set insanely high. Expecting reps to hit a 90-100% growth target. ~20% of the Enterprise segment hit their number. And by hit, I mean 101%. LinkedIn's OTE is low, comparatively, so rep earnings took a huge hit. Most went from making $350-$400k and now scraping to hit $200k. LinkedIn went from double-digit growth to missing expectations by a big number. Layoffs, budget cuts, hiring freezes, etc. All in all, still an amazing place to work if you can get in. But if you're hungry to make a splash and earn $400k+, your efforts are better spent elsewhere. Even the most talented reps that traditionally were Club performers are at the mercy of their assigned accounts. If your account stops hiring, you have nothing to renew/sell.
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