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Top 20% of CompaniesHubSpot
Back to ReviewsCurrent Employee Come here if you’re ready to work, a lot.
Hubspot has doubled their SMB AE’s in seat since I joined. About 30% of my hiring class has already left or been PIPed out.
Here’s how to hit quota at HubSpot: understand that selling at Hubspot is a game. The top performers are BDR promotes who leverage the internal systems at Hubspot, “game” the CRM and cut corners to take the best accounts. Nothing illegal here, they just are better than you, an external hire. You must accept you need to put your BDR hat back on, over your closing hat.
The system Hubspot has built forces reps to work weekends and cut corners to hit high quotas, often pitting reps against each other. You could be at 100% for a year straight, have two or three bad months and be gone. It’s constant fight or flight. Monthly quotas are a grind.
All that said, this has been the most I’ve learned in my sales career, work with some of the best sellers in the industry, and has been some life changing money. After all, it is sales. Browse Other Reviews
Oct 4, 2024
10 Useful