

302 Employee Ratings
302 Ratings
88% Verified
Engaged Employer
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RepVue Score5.10
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302 Employee Ratings
88% Verified
Engaged Employer
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Former Employee
May 14, 2024
My overall experience was poor and I am glad to have exited. Senior leadership has narcistic approach, which I was warned about before starting by outsiders. I wish I would have listened. My AEs quotas went up 46.6%, for the most of team, and no adjustments to variable. One AE had his first qtr guarantee denied for not reaching an email metric, which could have been fully auntomated instead of personalized to reach. That AE produced more pipeline than most and he got $0, so he left right before me. Favorable treatment and leads for few. Almost all closed deals had term for convenience or some opt-out clause, which meant reps and leaders basically never got paid. Overall, decent product, but too highly priced and too much micromanaging. Ghost and leadership emails take dozens of back and forth through several layers and reminds me of a third world bureaucracy. Seriously, think it through before you commit...
Response from
May 24, 2024
I apologize that your experience fell short of your expectations. We acknowledge the challenges you’ve highlighted, including leadership dynamics, quotas, and adjustments. We value your feedback - it will help us address these concerns and improve our communication. Thank you for your time with us, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors. - VP, Talent
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