Constant Contact

Constant Contact

69 Employee Ratings
69 Ratings
77% Verified
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Constant Contact
Constant Contact
69 Employee Ratings
77% Verified
Unclaimed Profile
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Former Employee
Dec 18, 2023
This company lacks effective leadership at nearly every level. The sales reps currently work extremely hard and do their best, but the compensation is not equitable to the effort and the lack of effective forecasting and target setting makes their jobs much harder. You can not hit your goal or hope to even exceed without working additional overtime hours or being granted additional leads and opportunities by your manager, and this seems to be by design. The benefits remain above average despite uncertainty at the top of the company and various ownership groups. If you are within the top 10% of sales reps, you are rewarded in an above average way, although most of those top performers could probably earn higher compensation at other companies given their effort and skill level.
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