
196 Employee Ratings
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196 Employee Ratings
87% Verified
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Current Employee
Jul 20, 2023
I've been at Placer as an SDR coming up at almost a year now. The sales org is absolutely fantastic. Management truly cares about your success as an SDR and coming from another SDR job what makes this org unique is that your work is not belittled or considered beneath AE work. You are treated as an equal and an important part of the sales funnel and that's apparent in not only your compensation but how much management will break their backs to not only get you to quota but surpass it. I've hit 200% of my quota multiple months here and I am definitely not alone. You hear a lot in the sales world that success in sales is all about territory, timing, and talent...Placer has all 3 of those. Our total addressable market is literally the whole US map, we have become the de facto leader in the industry when our competitors are going out of business, and leadership goes through lengths to make sure only the most talented work here. I am absolutely thrilled to part of this org.
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