RepVue Score
Back to ReviewsFormer Employee The commission plan at first was extremely good for us in The Netherlands; unrealistically good. So at a certain point we were making 100k-200k a year and from one day to another the commissions went down by 90-95% because top management decided that we made too much money. Pretty much all of us left within a year.
The management started to become bad as well as people would get promoted just because they were working there the longest in the team and there was no time to find someone else. I was great to work there for a while but after a certain amount of time, I started to realize that the company started to become like most companies because it's a hierarchy with humans in it and it started to have the same flaws as many other companies; management that didn't have the time to look at the wellbeing of their team members, no sales training, the inability to see big problems coming for the organisation etc. Browse Other Reviews
Dec 29, 2023