

6,731 Employee Ratings
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6,731 Employee Ratings
79% Verified
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Current Employee
Sep 26, 2024
Terrible leadership, they hand out PIP’s like it’s candy. Middle management has zero emotional intelligence cause they’re mostly a bunch of arrogant young white men who discriminate and think they’re untouchable. It’s a very toxic work environment and the expectations they have from the AE’s are absolutely unreal. The structure in SMB in the San Francisco hub is set up to fail anyone who can’t meet the unreal metrics and incentive plans they set. Good luck getting a decent patch to sell from. It’s mostly garbage and they want the AE’s to find gold in a pile garbage. Run and don’t look back if you value your mental health. This place will destroy your overall health as middle management makes sure to tear you apart by making you feel less than capable. They only bank on how amazing the Salesforce tower is, besides that, SMB in SF, is as toxic as a sales environment can get, thanks to middle management who threaten AE’s with PIPs and has no regard for anyone or capable of seeing AE’s as humans. All they care about is feeding their egos and climbing the corporate ladder. Run!
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