Former Employee3.1Jul 4, 2023The product is proven, the training is great, deal cycles are interesting and you can solve great problems. Often those who fake numbers and focus on politics are promoted. Salesforce seems to hire externally rather than promoting up & there's a large backlog of bdr's up for promotion.
The product is proven, the training is great, deal cycles are interesting and you can solve great problems. Often those who fake numbers and focus on politics are promoted. Salesforce seems to hire externally rather than promoting up & there's a large backlog of bdr's up for promotion.
Former Employee3.0Jan 12, 2024Overall not bad, but typical of a company that grew too fast and did not figure out that the annual churn of accounts does not work, for the customer or the employee turnover rate! Began hiring too much for diversity and inclusion as opposed to the most and best qualified. Out of three managers, two were fantastic, one should have never been hired and was a phony....
Overall not bad, but typical of a company that grew too fast and did not figure out that the annual churn of accounts does not work, for the customer or the employee turnover rate! Began hiring too much for diversity and inclusion as opposed to the most and best qualified. Out of three managers, two were fantastic, one should have never been hired and was a phony....
Current Employee4.0Jun 6, 2024All bets are on AI+Data right now...they better be right. If not, the pivot was too severe.