SHI International

SHI International

650 Employee Ratings
650 Ratings
89% Verified
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SHI International
SHI International
650 Employee Ratings
89% Verified
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Current Employee
Feb 12, 2024
Company isn't well positioned against competitors. Doesn't run as well as CDW and doesn't have enough focus and expertise like the smaller shops. New comp structure incentivizes rep to go to flat 16.5% which limits income slightly. If you have good accounts and good relationships, SHI can be a cushy job for $250-$350k annually. However, just be prepared to ramp up to those numbers over time (18-24 months) and be ready deal with a lot of internal systematic confusion from outdated systems, accounting, finance, etc. Metric based culture is at an all time high with tracking your meetings, follow up emails, what is being written in your follow up emails, all very number driven for management to watch over you. Culture is abysmal. That to me is the worst part of the company. There just is no culture. If you're a lone wolf, prefer to work from home, take care of your accounts, SHI can be a good place to be for a while. Minimal pressures on quota attainment since you only get paid when you generate profit for the company, so not a real incentive for company to push you out.
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