RepVue Score
Top 20% of CompaniesPaycom
Back to ReviewsCurrent Employee Psychopathic organization. Corporate HQ micro-manages everything in the field. Listens to all of your calls, tracks your location at all times, and expects you to work 80 hours/week. The second you have a down week, they’re already interviewing to replace you. Literally every sales rep gets fired here. President’s club and over current quota? They’ll fire you with no severance. From my training class, 40% were fired within the first 2 months.
They hire tons of new reps, hype up the culture (toxic), then treat new reps like SDRs (book a million meetings; closed deals don’t matter), then they’ll quickly fire those reps (can even occur 1 week into employment; even if you’ve already closed deals). They then give fired rep’s pipeline to the top performing reps, so they can brag about how much money the 1% makes. It’s like a Multi Level Marketing scheme on steroids. I would avoid Paycom like the plague. Browse Other Reviews
Sep 13, 2024
5 Useful