Current Employee3.7Jan 25, 2024Education vertical New Customer Acquisition team struggles selling a cmms to a crowded space with a cmms that lacks certain features. Siemens now owns Brightly and they have the worst benefits of any company I’ve ever seen. They use outdated software and issued old used laptops for employees. Brightly was great until they came along.
Education vertical New Customer Acquisition team struggles selling a cmms to a crowded space with a cmms that lacks certain features. Siemens now owns Brightly and they have the worst benefits of any company I’ve ever seen. They use outdated software and issued old used laptops for employees. Brightly was great until they came along.
Former Employee2.3Oct 24, 2023Leadership is a passive aggressive and is not held accountable for coaching and growing successful AEs. Brightly started as SchoolDude which they WERE a leader in the education space for many years. No one on the AE mid market team for the EDU sector made quota this year or the year before. I was told in 2022 that everyone was meeting their goals and we would receive...Read More
Leadership is a passive aggressive and is not held accountable for coaching and growing successful AEs. Brightly started as SchoolDude which they WERE a leader in the education space for many years. No one on the AE mid market team for the EDU sector made quota this year or the year before. I was told in 2022 that everyone was meeting their goals and we would receive...Read More
Current Employee2.3Jun 10, 2024A lot of change within the company, things are still unfolding and there does appear to be some stability ahead.
A lot of change within the company, things are still unfolding and there does appear to be some stability ahead.