

300 Employee Ratings
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300 Employee Ratings
90% Verified
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Current Employee
Jan 4, 2024
Same problems YOY with different flavor AS management constantly changes. The founders are the only constant and feel this is a billion dollar exit. They’ve stated for almost 3 years they’re IPO’ing, giving us shares but shares are diluted and the younger people don’t understand stock grants and taxes. Do your homework, you’ll notice tenured employees are young, inexperienced, and this is their first real long term tech job. These employees can’t go anywhere else without a reduction in title because they don’t have the credibility unless Dialpad DOES IPO. I am getting out of this telephony industry because it’s frankly an acquisition-m&a game…if Dialpad CAN IPO, you’ll see this stock pop and crash after the over 55+ year old founders get their final payday. When you do your homework, you’ll see this place has constant management turnover, nepotism, and a limited enterprise motion. In fact, enterprise gets crush - best money is made in SMB, 2nd is mid market, 3rd is self-service - which is company revenue, not rep $$. Overall you’re selling an commodity service built as an app that heavily relies on having a wireless enterprise network.
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