Dell Technologies

Dell Technologies

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Dell Technologies
Dell Technologies
1,609 Employee Ratings
80% Verified
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Current Employee
Sep 27, 2024
For complete context - I'm an associate (essentially a BDR) in the NGSA program focusing on selling data center infrastructure. Training is good and they do a great job supporting you with understanding the tech. However as of today (9/26), Dell has mandated an RTO. As associates, we cannot make commission, and it's based on a class system. I started last summer and make around $70k, the classes that started this past summer make above $80k. The NGSA program is tough as the inside data center AEs make base of $60k and have an OTE of $84-$90k. As far as associateship goes, it's pretty much a BDR role. They provide leads, and measure primarily on appointment average (5) and a (40%). While fairly attainable this program is probably best for the training and getting your foot in the door. Most people I've spoken to intend to leave Dell once they've spent 2-4 years here. Some will go on to become field AEs and others will move to partners/competitors. Expect to spend 12 months minimum as an Associate and about 12-18 months as an inside AE
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