RepVue Score
Top 10% of CompaniesDeel
Back to ReviewsFormer Employee Overall Deel has a great product and the sales process is consultive, so it is relatively pleasant to sell. The problem is that they treat you only as a number among the other 3.000 reps they hired last year and don't have any concerns about your job experience. They launch a new quota every quarter and don't care if you are catching up with the new processes or if your leadership is helping you or not, it is wild. The culture is toxic and even after many groups complain and burnout the leadership doesn't do anything the improve the experience of work. The quotas are built for you not to hit it and if you see the number that gets pretty obvious, so it's almost impossible to hit quota and they keep pushing you as it is completely your fault. It's a shame what happened to Deel, they hired the worst people to be in the leadership (result-driven robots) and now everybody is hopeless. Browse Other Reviews
Jun 13, 2024
12 Useful