Act-On Software

Act-On Software

51 Employee Ratings
51 Ratings
86% Verified
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Act-On Software
Act-On Software
51 Employee Ratings
86% Verified
Unclaimed Profile
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Former Employee
Jan 29, 2024
Overall experience was actually really good at first. I was brought in just after the former CRO was hired and before the new SVP of sales was brought on. New SVP trained the team quite well and we were doing a good amount of new logos each quarter. Team was getting better and things were jelling. SVB collapse really blew everything up and as result had a down Q1 2023. SVP was walked and then lead flow was awful rest of year. CRO was walked end of Q3 and they brought in a new sales leader. The new Sales leader tried installing MEDDPICC with some slides and a one meeting training. Communicated that the team was selling too much on features and not on pain. Lead flow hadn't improved nor addressed. Seems like a rinse and repeat culture as this is the 6th sales leader in 3 years. I wouldn't recommend this company to a friend. At present, they don't have the training and development to support entry level reps trying to build a career nor a support system for more experienced reps to sell effectively.
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