
RepVue Launch: Raleigh Durham NC

Ryan Walsh, CEO
Ryan Walsh, CEOOct 2, 2019

As a sales professional, do you ever wonder how successful you could be in the perfect environment? How much you could earn? For many, the sky’s the limit… Or actually, the limit is FINDING that right environment.

That’s precisely why we’ve created RepVue and ties directly to our mission which is to help sales professionals tap into their full potential and in turn improve their quality of life.

I’m super excited to announce that RepVue is now live in our first market, Raleigh / Durham, NC.

I want to touch on a couple macro trends which push us forward with our mission:

First, less than half of b2b sales executives are attaining quota (CSO insights).
Second, the attrition rate of sales professionals is 2x the overall workforce (HBS study).


And yes, it’s safe to assume those two things are related.

There’s a huge push by b2b companies to hire sales professionals, both in the US and globally, which is combined with a significant shortage of these workers, a shortage that will expand in the coming years. This deficit is pushing orgs and recruiters to oversell. Sales professionals end up in roles that simply are not a fit, and the blame has fallen on their ability to perform vs the environment they’re in.

“Oh, we just made a bad hire.”
“He never really could seem to ‘get it’ so we parted ways.”

At RepVue, we’re providing unprecedented access to information about sales orgs to our users which they can use during the sales hiring and interview process. We’re at the beginning of our journey but we’re already helping sales professionals, and that gives us incredible motivation to keep building.

Join RepVue by submitting an anonymous rating of a sales organization where you’ve worked.

Every new rating that we receive improves the quality of our data and the service we can deliver back to our users. Every new rating we receive helps drive accountability in sales organizations that have had little in the past.

One promise that we can make at RepVue is that sales professionals will ALWAYS be at the core of our mission.

Anonymously rate a company to get full access to RepVue's sales org data
  • Salary & compensation data
  • % Team to achieve quota
  • Product market fit scores
  • Leadership scores
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