
An Update on The RepVue Mission

Ryan Walsh, CEO
Ryan Walsh, CEOMar 25, 2019
RepVue: Driving Transparency

I’ve heard it countless times: “If I knew then what I know now, I would have thought differently about joining that sales organization.” RepVue will give you that knowledge and insight about sales organizations at the time you really need it.

Making the decision to take a role within a new sales organization is a critical decision in anyone’s life, and also a decision where there are very limited options to dig deep into the prospective employer’s organization to get a feel for what it’s really like. Most of the time, the access to information is limited to: “Hey we only have about 10 minutes left in the interview, do you have any questions for us?”

On the flip side, the sales organization recruiting for the role gets the following on multiple candidates:

  • Phone screen interviews
  • In person interviews, sometimes multiple
  • Having multiple employees interview the candidates
  • Reviewing resumes, poking holes in resumes
  • Ability to speak with references

This is extremely unbalanced and a recipe for disaster, for both the firm and the prospective employee. As companies are under intense pressure to hire and grow, they are taking the easy path by not being and not being fully transparent during the interview process. They are selling the company as hard as they expect the employee to sell if/when they come on board, causing attrition to rise, quota attainment to fall, and overall job satisfaction to suffer.

RepVue’s mission is 100% focused on empowering sales professionals in their careers and allowing them (you!) to take control of the success of your career by ensuring you are in a sales organization that’s a great fit. This is done via providing access to structured data and insights about sales organizations not available anywhere else. So far our user feedback has been phenomenal and we get notes like these EVERY DAY:

*Real Sales Reps, Not Actors

We’re still in our beta period, which means we’re asking our users to rate organizations where they have sold, which helps us know what’s broken while at the same time helps build our data-set. After our beta period we’ll start to do more giving (vs. asking) by launching our first set of detailed sales organization profiles – available only to our users, which will completely open up access to information about these sales organizations (we’re only a few months away from that). The initial launch of these profiles will be tech focused companies in the Raleigh-Durham market.

Anonymously rate a company to get full access to RepVue's sales org data
  • Salary & compensation data
  • % Team to achieve quota
  • Product market fit scores
  • Leadership scores
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