Morning Consult

Morning Consult

30 Employee Ratings
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93% Verified
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Morning Consult
Morning Consult
30 Employee Ratings
93% Verified
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Former Employee
Jun 14, 2024
I could not recommend Morning Consult less. The SaaS product is cool but there is no compelling use case for it, as validated by prospects who don' t move forward and customers churn. It is an "always on" platform that people aren't "always in" as the research world doesn't need frequent daily data. Leadership at Morning Consult is non-existent, with the two founders still running the show. The CEO thinks of himself as a revolutionary who is actually reactionary, detrimentally so. The other founder flies around the world hosting dinner parties to "help with pipeline" but they don't turn into qualified opportunities and are only useful for building his network. The SVP of SaaS Sales seems to hardly know anything about SaaS or Sales. Never once was guidance given to me as a rep, despite asking for feedback, coaching, and best practices. He is leading a team that is significantly underperforming despite being a team of very qualified sellers. Many of my colleagues were incredibly great to work with and very smart and talented. Unfortunately, Morning Consult is led by people who want to seem like visionaries when they can't even get the blocking and tackling right.
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