Lead Forensics
RepVue Score
Lead Forensics
Back to ReviewsFormer Employee Look Lead Forensics is a fantastic company, they train and develop you into someone where you can walk into most companies and hit above quota. My only issue was there was too much uncertainty of how long you will be there. As you are there you will see that the top earners are the ones that have been there for years, you will notice a lot of recycling of employees. My other issue was that they only want you to live and breed Lead Forensics, which is also fair enough, you have to be passionate about what you are selling. However forcing someone to stay till 10pm every night was a struggle, and of course they did not physically force you, but if you do not you will be mistreated the next day and probably ignored. Overall Lead Forensics is great and they have more to offer, just don't walk into it thinking it will be an easy ride, as it will not be. Browse Other Reviews
Nov 8, 2023