Info-Tech Research Group

Info-Tech Research Group

161 Employee Ratings
161 Ratings
89% Verified
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Info-Tech Research Group
Info-Tech Research Group
161 Employee Ratings
89% Verified
Unclaimed Profile
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Current Employee
Jul 11, 2024
I've learned a lot and developed excellent account management skills at ITRG. Despite being a nice-to-have product, I'm impressed by the company's high retention rates, showing that the product is indeed valuable. However, the organization heavily focuses on sales, and non-sales employees may feel undervalued. While the small teams are great, there is a lot of micromanagement. I am thankful for the skills gained and the lifelong friends made here, but I see my future elsewhere. I believe my skills would be better utilized selling an essential product in a larger company with consistent processes. Overall, I am grateful for my time here.
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