RepVue Score
Back to ReviewsFormer Employee My overall experience at Extensiv was positive in terms of my interactions with peers and direct reports. However, from a quota attainment perspective, it was disappointing. Only one representative has consistently hit their quota over the past two years, while the other 10-20 reps average around 50% attainment. The compensation promised during recruitment is rarely met, and internal promotions are uncommon. Sales enablement is virtually non-existent, and half of the products offered are outdated and lack a strong product-market fit.
Given these challenges, I wouldn’t recommend Extensiv to anyone looking to excel and exceed their sales quotas. For context, only 1 out of 10-20 reps (a number that has been steadily decreasing over the past 12 months) has earned over $100,000 in a year. There are many other positions available elsewhere that offer better financial growth opportunities. Browse Other Reviews
Aug 4, 2024