Former Employee3.3Sep 1, 2023If you do your job well, they typically leave you alone. Not a lot of growth opportunity
Former Employee2.6Jun 19, 2024Poor leadership from the top down. Very slow changes to the product itself. Reward tenured reps with layups and newbies scrape and claw for scraps. Product has poor review across the board.
Poor leadership from the top down. Very slow changes to the product itself. Reward tenured reps with layups and newbies scrape and claw for scraps. Product has poor review across the board.
Current Employee2.3Jun 10, 2024A lot of change within the company, things are still unfolding and there does appear to be some stability ahead.
A lot of change within the company, things are still unfolding and there does appear to be some stability ahead.
Former Employee3.1Nov 2, 2023The company had a great training program for right out of college years back when it was a smaller company. The product didn't have the best market fit.
The company had a great training program for right out of college years back when it was a smaller company. The product didn't have the best market fit.