CoStar Group, Inc.

CoStar Group, Inc.

275 Employee Ratings
275 Ratings
87% Verified
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CoStar Group, Inc.
CoStar Group, Inc.
275 Employee Ratings
87% Verified
Unclaimed Profile
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Former Employee
Feb 6, 2024
I think this job can be fine if you're in certain cities or somehow inherit a great book but otherwise this entire experience was a struggle. Training was the worst I have ever received in my career. The product is filled with inaccurate data almost everywhere. The internal tools make prospecting difficult and there's a lot of worker harder not smarter. We saw about 30% quota attainment last year. Speaking of not smarter, if you're in Colorado, your manager is definitely not smarter than you which presents its own challenges. Long story short, if you HAVE to have a job, make it work until you can find something that offers a more reliable product and general competence in training and management. Many more would attain quota if these basic changes were made.
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