
More About Our Mission at RepVue

Ryan Walsh, CEO
Ryan Walsh, CEONov 14, 2018

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RepVue was founded by Ryan Walsh, based on two core principles:

  1. Sales organizations do not have enough accountability for the environment that they deliver to their sales team. RepVue, with your help, is going to open up the visibility of the sales organization ecosystem.  Go rate an organization where you have sold today!
  2. Employee attrition in the modern sales team is unacceptable. The instances of smart, hard-working sales professionals that aren’t able to find success at an organization are far too common, and many times it’s not on them. Their skill-set may not be best suited to the training, to the market, to the technology. These sales professionals are not served in the optimal way and it’s highly likely they could see success in an environment that’s a better fit for them.

We hope you’ll support us in driving accountability in sales by submitting a rating of a sales organization where you have worked or currently work.  It’s completely anonymous and highly objective. We look forward to repaying that support many times over in the coming years!

This blog will be dedicated to providing our sales community with thought leadership and best practices to advance your sales career.  If you get anything valuable out of it please repay us by submitting a sales organization rating or simply sharing the word about RepVue with your sales colleagues.  

Good luck out there, and don’t ever hesitate to reach out directly to ryan {at} repvue {dot} com if we can ever serve you better!

Ryan C. Walsh – CEO, RepVue

Anonymously rate a company to get full access to RepVue's sales org data
  • Salary & compensation data
  • % Team to achieve quota
  • Product market fit scores
  • Leadership scores
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