Twilio Segment

Twilio Segment

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Twilio Segment
Twilio Segment
407 Employee Ratings
91% Verified
Unclaimed Profile
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Twilio Segment SMB Account Executive Salaries

Last 12 months
Median Base Salary
Median On-Target Earnings
Top Performer Can Earn

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Salary Distribution
Base Salary
On-Target Earnings

Percent that Attain Quota?

20%of team members typically hit their quota
SMB Account Executive Quota Attainment at Twilio Segment

Employee Sentiment on Compensation at Twilio Segment

Base Compensation
Incentive Compensation Structure
Frequently Asked Questions

Twilio Segment SMB Account Executives have a median base salary of $100,000 and an OTE of $175,000.  View the detailed salary tab for more granular salary data by role.

The top performing SMB Account Executive at Twilio Segment can earn $270,833 or more. This is including base and variable compensation. 

The median base salary for SMB Account Executive at Twilio Segment is $100,000 per year, which is 4% lower than the median base salary of the global salary role. 

The average deal size for SMB Account Executives is estimated to be $26,250.
Twilio Segment
FAQ at Twilio Segment

Percent that Attain Quota?

20%of team members typically hit their quota
SMB Account Executive Quota Attainment at Twilio Segment
Avg. deal size
Base variable split?
59% / 41%
Product - Market Fit?
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Frequently Asked Questions

Twilio Segment SMB Account Executives have a median base salary of $100,000 and an OTE of $175,000.  View the detailed salary tab for more granular salary data by role.

The top performing SMB Account Executive at Twilio Segment can earn $270,833 or more. This is including base and variable compensation. 

The median base salary for SMB Account Executive at Twilio Segment is $100,000 per year, which is 4% lower than the median base salary of the global salary role. 

The average deal size for SMB Account Executives is estimated to be $26,250.
Twilio Segment
FAQ at Twilio Segment