

78 Employee Ratings
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78 Employee Ratings
85% Verified
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Former Employee
Aug 6, 2024
Webflow had a very political environment and it seemed like you really needed to know how to navigate office politics to be successful there. There were many opportunities to improve collaboration between the departments. My experience with middle management was mostly micro-managers and pushy sales people - two of my customers complained to me directly about my manager. When I was there, the inbound lead quality was low and most people were not on track to meet quota- high competition, Webflow’s own freemium plan, a lack of quality leads (in and out bound), lack of customer proof/referrals etc, seemed to be factors. I saw one of the leaders post recently about hitting all sales goals so I’m not sure if things turned around. They also just laid off a large group of people. The biggest challenge was no product differentiation between the free product and the paid platform. Onboarding was basically watching 40hrs/week of youtube videos. CS, SE, and biz dev counterparts seemed overloaded with accounts and under-supported by management. The company did put a lot of effort into benefits and diversity/inclusivity.
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