Solera, Inc.

Solera, Inc.

114 Employee Ratings
114 Ratings
89% Verified
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Solera, Inc.
Solera, Inc.
114 Employee Ratings
89% Verified
Unclaimed Profile
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Current Employee
Jun 27, 2023
Constantly raising the quota, and adjusting the comp plans to pay out less. All of the good commission is weighted at or above quota, I have been here for years, and I have never had to work so hard to make so little in Saas. Dangling the carrot with unrealistic OTEs. There is the general consensus that the company is not performing well, because the company has been trimming fat and cheaping out since day one of FY24. Historically, the first quarter was about expansion, and was very fruitful for sales reps. In my opinion, the company’s faltering performance lies with the ELT. If you are constantly changing things, failing, and changing again before the dust settles, maybe you are the problem?
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