Rhombus Systems

Rhombus Systems

36 Employee Ratings
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97% Verified
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Rhombus Systems
Rhombus Systems
36 Employee Ratings
97% Verified
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Current Employee
Aug 19, 2024
Rhombus has so far been a fantastic company to work for - the leadership is caring and wants to enable the sales team. On the Velocity SLED team (sells to smaller SLED accounts), the base pay is modest, but the top earners are making over $400k. The Strategic and Enterprise teams have bases closer to $120k, but they are more consistently at or around 80% of quota, while Velocity SLED consistently hits 100-200% with ample accelerators. There are plenty of SPIFFs to help as well. The product is very well positioned and they are patient with folks who struggle but show the right traits and effort. The Velocity SLED ADS is misleading as there are many deals that are <$10k, but there are plenty of deals above $50k and even up to $500k that drive overachievement.
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